This training is open to everyone who longs for more originality, more connection to nature and the elements, and above all, more connection to oneself! You do not have to be a yoga teacher to participate in this training. If you have the desire to learn more about essential oils in combination with transformative energy exercises and to share this knowledge, then Aroma Yoga® and I are the right place for you!
I am Emmanuelle, official Aroma Yoga® instructor in German-speaking countries, and together with my heart team of mentors I will guide you through the training modules - a deep journey through the elements and chakras in combination with essential oils.
The training has been completely revised and offers you as a busy woman and yogini many new opportunities for your individual growth and learning process.
We have changed and reworked the training with the feedback from the first runs. You can expect a coherent mix of pre-recorded self-learning material & tutorials, experiential LIVE calls as well as interactive mentoring sessions with my awesome and super experienced Aroma Yoga® heart team! The content is provided to you consistently on an online platform. You can access your material at any time.
Upon successful completion of the Teacher Training, you will be able to safely lead your own Aroma Yoga® classes and have permission to use the registered trademark of Aroma Yoga®.
Teaching Aroma Yoga® is so immensely rewarding - for your participants AND for you. One of the things I love most about Aroma Yoga® is the atmosphere that creates a sense of community and well-being. People float out of these classes charged with energy, clarity, strength and joy. Deep transformation, for yourself and your participants, takes place in every class!
Für wen eignet sich die Ausbildung?
Was ist das Herzstück der Ausbildung ?
Im Zentrum von allem, das in der Ausbildung weitergegeben wird, steht das Erkennen, Begreifen und Verstehen der Zusammenhänge, wie Körper, Geist und Seele sich aufeinander beziehen und in ständiger Kommunikation und Wechselwirkung miteinander sind. Es gilt, die Verbindungen und das Zusammenspiel von Organen, den Elementen, Chakren, Emotionen und der Lebensenergie sowie den energetischen Körpern in der Basis zu begreifen. Dies ist wiederum das Fundament dafür, die eigene Körperin in ihrem Ausdruck verstehen und dadurch die wahre Ursache der entsprechenden Symptomatiken in sich selbst herausfinden und wieder in Balance bringen zu können.
Durch das Begreifen und Anwenden der Prinzipien der Elementenlehre - dem Kern von Aroma Yoga® - wird bewusst, warum sich welches Symptom wie zeigt und welches Thema hinter der Symptomatik steht.
Anhand einfach anzuwendender Werkzeuge und Übungen, die auf jeden übertragbar sind, wird die entsprechend blockierte Lebensenergie durch jeden selbst wieder in Bewegung gebracht und das dahinterliegende Thema zur Transformation frei gegeben.
Durch Aroma Yoga® lernst Du, auf komplett natürlichem und somit einfachsten, sanftesten und zielführendsten Weg deine eigene Heilerin zu werden und nachhaltig zu sein.

Would you like to experience and learn for yourself how nature and the five elements are allowed to express themselves through you? How do they influence your being and doing and your inner attitude towards life? How much do you live the different feminine and masculine parts of yourself? And how strongly do you connect the power of nature in your work?
In this training we take you on a deep journey back to the source - your essence - and accompany you to strengthen and activate the elements of nature with the help of easy-to-learn energy exercises and selected essential oils - and thus come closer to yourself, your true nature, your essence.
In the Aroma Yoga® training we give you the necessary space to feel how the exercises for the individual elements affect you and pass on our knowledge with a lot of practical relevance. In addition to self-study, we also place a lot of value on the exchange among each other. Use the power of the community to develop your potential and to grow into your new role as an Aroma Yoga® Practitioner.
The knowledge you gain will not only enrich you on the yoga mat, but also in real life. With Aroma Yoga® you will learn to re-empower yourself and others and activate your self-healing powers.
Aroma Yoga® always means laughing, crying, marveling and experiencing many goosebump moments together. You will feel alive and be allowed to go beyond your limits. Get out of your comfort zone. Back to you, your very natural being.
If you feel called by Aroma Yoga®, we would love to have you join us for the next course starting in April 2022.
Love & Light,
your Emmanuelle and her Aroma Yoga® Heart Team
What else you need
Aroma Yoga®: Ein Leitfaden zur Anwendung ätherischer Öle in deiner Yoga-Praxis

This great book by Tracy Griffiths was published in German in August 2018 and is the foundational book for the training.
Aroma Yoga®: Ein Leitfaden zur Anwendung ätherischer Öle in deiner Yoga-Praxis
€ 33.90 plus shipping
Young Living Essential Oils:
At Aroma Yoga®, we only use Young Living Essential Oils.
I recommend you order the Premium Starter Kit, which includes Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, DiGize, Thieves, Purification, Copaiba, R.C., PanAway, Stress-Away, and the diffuser.
These are the oils we will work with predominantly in the Aroma Yoga® Teacher Training.
Other sources
Aroma Yoga® DVD with Tracy Griffiths $39.95 | Click here to order.
Essential Oil Pocket Reference from Life Science Publishers can be obtained from www.lifesciencepublishers.com

Aroma Yoga® BONUS!
When you open your Young Living account in my organization and order your starter set "Premium" with DewDrop, you will receive a fragrance package with Young Living oils worth 50€ as a bonus from me. (For new accounts only). To sign up and order from me, go through the following link. : www.youngliving.org/allsensesyoga
With this you are enrolled in my team.
Do you need assistance with your order? Then please contact: office@emmanuellecollinet.com.

All classes take place online through ZOOM. Online training allows everyone, no matter where they live, who feels called to participate. This is a very big gift for me!
So there are no limits!
In our AromaYoga® Online Academy you will find all the content for each module. There are pre-recorded courses to prepare you for our live webinars, as well as recordings of the live webinars in case you are unable to attend live. We will open the AromaYoga® Online Academy for the official start of the training on April 2, 2022.
Each live session is highly interactive and gives you the opportunity to dig deep, ask questions and practice.
Training cost: 1.888€
If you book by March 7, 2022, you will receive the Early Bird price of €1,777.
Overview of all LIVE dates for the training:
*all take place via Zoom
*80% attendance in the live calls is mandatory for the completion certificate.
The LIVE dates will be supplemented with further self-learning material & tutorials on the online platform.
Module I:
Essential Oils Basics
The essential oils basics course takes approximately three weeks. You will learn about the characteristics of essential oils with therapeutic quality, the correct and safe handling of inhalation as well as topical application during the Aroma Yoga® course and for personal use.
28.01. Opening Circle (3:30 -5:30 pm)
18.02. In-depth Session (3:30 - 5:30 pm).
This module is the heart of the Aroma Yoga® training. In each webinar we explore the essence of the seven major chakras, their elemental qualities, indications of imbalance, essential oils associated with them, asanas, polarity exercises and mediations that support each element.
5.2. Live Call Element EARTH (3:30 - 6:30 pm)
9.3. Practice session with mentors (7:30 - 9:30 pm)
18.3. Live Call Element WATER (3:30 - 6:30 pm)
30.3. Practice session with mentors (7:30 - 9:30 pm)
8.4. Live Call Element FIRE (3:30 - 6:30 pm)
20.4. Practice session with mentors (7:30 - 9:30 pm)
29.4. live session element AIR (3:30 - 6:30 pm)
11.5. practice session with mentors (7:30 - 9:30 pm)
20.6. Live Call Element ETHER (3:30 - 6:30 pm)
25.6. practice session with mentors (7:30 - 9:30 pm)
Module II:
Chakra-basics, polarity exercise and elements theory
Module III:
Aroma Yoga® Practicum
Here we put into practice everything you learned in the first two modules and let you practice and start teaching!
You will teach and record your own Aroma Yoga® class. During the private session with me, it will be analyzed for feedback, refinement and support.
The duration of the private session is approximately 60-90 minutes.
3.6. LIVE Q&A (2:00pm- 3:30pm).
05.-23.06 DEVELOPMENT PHASE of your own AROMA YOGA® SESSION & completion of the GUIDELINES (certification requirement)
24. & 25.06 recording of the own AROMA YOGA® SESSION
26.06. - 05.07. VIDEO ANALYSES Individual appointments with Emmanuelle for the analysis of your Aroma Yoga® lesson
06.07. CLOSING CALL (7:30- 9:30 pm)
During the training there will be a fantastic innovation for you - supervision by loving mentors who will challenge and encourage you and accompany you throughout the training.
In Module II, each live session on the respective element with Emmanuelle will be followed by a practice session with your mentors. In this session you will be able to gain practical experience through your own guiding, as well as immerse yourself in the world of mindful and loving feedback and reflection conversations. These practice elements during the training are central to apply and integrate what you have learned and to dive into the transfer work.
Additionally, in a separate group you will have the opportunity to exchange, share practice videos and get and give feedback on them. We are initiating this network for ongoing process reflection opportunities with each other. Experiences and concerns can be shared and you will also receive support and impulses from the group. The group will initially be moderated by us and we would like you to gradually take responsibility for filling this group with life and to actively use and experience the huge added value of community and connection.
We are very much looking forward to you and the new Aroma Yoga® Group!
Yours, Martina

Klaudia Kolodziej
Angebot für WiederholerInnen
Hast du deine Aroma Yoga® Ausbildung (vorher: Teacher Training) vielleicht noch nicht abgeschlossen?
Hast du vielleicht Scheu, Aroma Yoga® in Kursen anzubieten?
Hast du das Bedürfnis, dein Wissen aufzufrischen, zu vertiefen oder Teil einer wundervollen neuen Aroma Yoga® Gruppe zu werden?
Dann möchte ich dich herzlich dazu einladen, die Ausbildung zu wiederholen.
Du wirst wie alle anderen die Möglichkeit haben, die Academy zu nutzen und die gesamte Ausbildung in der Gruppe neu zu durchlaufen.
Neues und Altes Wissen wird zu Dir fliessen
Du wirst durch deine bereits gemachten Erfahrungen und Dein Wissen für die anderen TeilnehmerInnen eine wundervolle Ressource sein und dadurch ganz leicht das bereits Integrierte hervor holen, teilen, üben und anwenden.
Du wirst Dein Wissen vertiefen, Vertrauen zu Dir und Deiner Weisheit fassen und viel Neues dazu lernen
Sei Teil. Komm dazu. Und reaktiviere den Ruf in Dir, den Du damals gehört hast, vollende das Angefangene.
Ich freue mich sehr auf Dich.
Deine Investition in Dich kannst du frei wählen zwischen 599 € - 999 €
Wenn Du Interesse hast, melde Dich per Mail direkt bei mir und Du bekommst einen Extra Link zur Teilnahme geschickt.

The AromaYoga®-Teacher-Training was much more than a seminar for me - it was and still is a way to me and my own center, I learned to listen more to my body and to love myself.
The time of the training was wonderful and the effect of the essential oils in interaction with the elements and the so powerful exercises in aroma yoga have always fascinated me. Here, tears often flowed for me without knowing why and yet I felt liberated and happy after each session. The oils are also my constant companions in everyday life and I don't want to miss them anymore, as they support me in many situations.
Emmanuelle has always picked me up exactly where I needed it through her so sensitive and warm nature and the knowledge she imparts is so valuable and profound.
I am infinitely grateful to her for the opportunity to now support others on their path and accompany them in their unfolding with this training.
It would be very desirable, in my opinion, that as many as possible, complete this training so that the good can multiply and people can find their balance and self-love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 <3 <3
Andrea Casper
I had the opportunity to experience an AromaYoga® session in Bad Orb in January 2019.
Afterwards, I was quickly hooked, my heart and soul were touched so much that I immediately registered for the first online training.
And what can I say, it was one of my best decisions. I have been working with the YL oils for over 4 years, I am aware of how powerful these essences are, and this in combination with yoga, take it to the next level!
In times I asked myself the question whether I was up to it at all, since I had no yoga pre-training, but with the polarity exercises alone we are already so well positioned that it is not absolutely necessary to master all other yoga asanas.
For me, AromaYoga® has become an essential part of everyday life, it gives me strength, supports me in keeping my focus and brings me to myself.
The sensitive nature of Emmanuelle picked me up and I felt carried and guided despite the online training.
Emmanuelle sits on the other side of the world, so to speak, but she still perceives in detail where the group stands and how she feels, which makes it possible to transmit this wonderful method online. THANK YOU!
Connected from heart to heart, Christina Weidner
I am very excited to share the transformative power of Aroma Yoga® with you, so that you can pass this knowledge on and so that we can create a healthy and strengthened world together!
If you have any questions about the course content or need help, email me at office@emmanuellecollinet.com .
Love & Light,